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About ibi1.com

ibi1.com is a blog dedicated to sharing various tips (tricks) in life.

In life, you will inevitably encounter all kinds of difficult problems in life, which is why the author created this blog, where you can search for any methods and techniques you need help. For example: life tips, health tips, car insurance tips, real estate tips, and more.

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  • Real Estate Basics

    When it comes to real estate buying and selling, many people believe that they have experienced it in life, but for some people who have not been exposed to real estate, they do not know much about real estate, so it is easy to appear in the process of transaction. Question, let’s take a look…

  • Health knowledge that seniors must know

    The elderly should have a correct understanding of aging, establish a positive outlook on aging, acquire health knowledge and skills through scientific and authoritative channels, and carefully select health care products and household medical devices. At the same time, it is necessary to continuously strengthen self-care awareness, learn self-care knowledge, master self-management skills, early detection…

  • 10 Tips for DIY Car Maintenance

    There are many steps in the daily maintenance of the vehicle, which the owner can actually complete independently, such as checking the tire grinding. Do-it-yourself is convenient, fast, easy, and more economical. With a few simple techniques and basic tools, smart drivers can perform basic vehicle maintenance independently. Each skill is rated according to the…

  • How to saving money when buying house

    In recent years, buying a house has gradually become a rigid demand, either to buy a house for marriage or to improve the housing environment. Some slightly wealthy families will also consider buying a house in the school district. In fact, buying a house also has money-saving skills, even if it is a house in…

  • How to assemble a cost-effective computer?

    If you install the machine yourself, you can learn more about the hardware and then learn how to assemble it. First, you need to understand what computer hardware must have in order for this computer to light up (start up). Hardware knowledgeHost + Display Host: including motherboard, CPU, graphics card, hard drive, memory stick, power…

  • How to choose a 4K TV

    With the development of science and technology in modern society, LCD TV technology has also developed rapidly, the configuration is getting higher and higher, and the price is relatively reasonable, which has become an indispensable member of people’s furniture purchase. 4K TVs have become the darling of LCD TVs due to their ultra-high resolution, and…

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